gegenseitig - mutual

Everyone has preferencesand hobbies.
Everyone likes to do something. Everyone is especially good in doing something.

In the workshop mutual each participant has the opportunity to give an introduction of their knowledge or to teach something.
The workshopleader is aswell organisor as participant. He is responsible for a appropriate setting, needed materials and the timly organisation. furthermore he provides support if needed.

The group will discuss about a presentation of the workshop. Ideally it can be a performance or installation.
Aim of the workshop is self empowerment. Additionally non-hierarchical structures of collaboration is strengthend.

mutual has been hold for the first time in 2018 in cooperation with the AlarmTheater Bielefeld and the Diakonie Herford. It had been addressed to addicted people.
Addicted people are often confronted with their addiction and the problems occuring out of this. Themselves are often circulating in a circle focussing on the addiction and the will to overcome it. Rarely enough space for acknowledgement is given.