Kelimutu is a volcano on the island of Flores in Indonesia. Three lakes are set in its craters, each of them with a different colour.
This composition is a tribute to Kelimutu. It is divided into three main themes. Each of them represents a different lake with its specific depth, colour and setting.
The first part stands for the dark brown lake you reach at first, the second one for the deep and silent turqoise lake and the third for the dark green one.
And the three themes also represent the three stadiums of experiencing a hike on a volcano. Getting up very early in the morning, surrounded by too many people, noisy, all unaware of the specific silence of the end of the night, just chatting about where they come from, where they go to. Sun rises and people leave quickly.
Suddenly there is silence, pure nature. Thoughts come, thoughts go.
In the end is the way down. Alone with a smile.
All sounds used in this composition are originally field recordings I recorded on my journey in Indonesia in 2008.
The composition is in origin an eigth-channel work and has been screened at the NoiseFloor Festival 2011.
About the travel
Length: 13:33