erba che canta – il suono segreto della natura

singing grass – the secret sound of nature
By Marcus Beuter and Stan Pete
The exhibition erba che canta – il suono segreto della natura (singing grass – the secret sound of nature) lets nature resound with unusual sound objects such as the “Singing Grass” or the “Screaming Flower”. The visitors do not remain uninvolved.
The Italian title refers to the cooperation with the Turin gallery “The Room”, where the exhibition was presented for the first time in 2010. The title gives an idea of what it’s about – with the exhibition we want to bring nature back into the city and make it a new experience. The answer to the actual question “how?” remains in the dark, like the installation. Because this can only be explored with a flashlight. In the dark room, the visitor is guided by his sense of hearing, he accidentally encounters an abstract nature and lets it sound. The light brings life and movement, focuses on an unimagined nature.